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ConectoHub vs Clickup

Achieve your goals with #1 Clickup Alternative.

Work more effective and smarter with ConectoHub minimal design

Table 03


Simple UX & UI
Low Learning Curve
Team Assignees
Powerful OKR System
Company-Team-Individual OKR Hieararchies
Parent and Sub Objectives for Alignment
Weighted Objectives and Key Results
Automatic OKR Updates based on Linked Tasks and Projects
Linking tasks, issues, cards etc. from 4.500+ Different Products to OKRs
OKR Progress Reports
Goal Tracking Notifications and Reminders
360 Degree Feedbacks

Key Points

Here is you can see how ConectoHub is better and more cost-effective than Clickup.

Simple and Clean UX&UI

We believe that “Simplicity is the best”. Another hand, it’s hard to handle a messy Clickup workspace. There are also confusing hierarchies such as folders, workspace, list etc. You can take a look at how messy is Clickup and how people are suffering from that with a basic google search:

  • How NOT to Setup ClickUp (4 ClickUp Hierarchy Mistakes)
  • 17 Common MISTAKES People Make in ClickUp
  • Clickup UI is messy and cluttered. Way too much repetition, and poor text hierarchy
  • Clickup hierarchy quiz

The last one is our favorite. No need to study to learn ConectoHub! 😊

Flexible Team Structure

Unlike Clickup, you can link projects and tasks to multiple teams. By this way, different teams can collaborate in the same page with ease.

Team Assignees

Let’s think about it, you have a team that has many members.  If you want to inform team to collaborate on a task, you have to add each people to the task. We know that’s annoying and it has nothing to do with productivity! Thanks to “Team Assignee” feature of ConectoHub, you can assign your team to notify them.

Powerful OKR System

ConectoHub OKR System provides full fledged OKR features such as, Gtmhub, etc. On the other hand, Clickup has primitive OKR features.

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